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Consciousness and God as single matter

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Before the publication, the title of this book was changed to its
current one. Why? Like probably every thoughtful reader, the author
is awed by the boundless sea of the world’s complexity, which is only
just beginning to be revealed in physical experiments. Its physicality
and reality are undeniable. Its resonance with the many thousands of
years of human experience is also obvious. In this long history of discoveries
and revelations, searches, conjectures and insights, various
terms and entire vocabularies were born to denote phenomena and
their interpretations, ideological platforms and explanations, images and quasi-
theories were born. Information was sometimes brought
to a person through an unconscious channel. Global ideological doctrines
— religions — emerged. In their peculiar form, they provide
a picture of the real world. And it’s amazing how, instead of confrontation
between the theories of secular science and the religious picture
of the world, they are increasingly beginning to see, understand each
other and show unity in explaining the world around.
In the religious doctrine, the cornerstone is the External Subject.
God. It is given different names, but the main thing is that it is the External
Subject. And if a physical experiment suddenly also demonstrates
the existence of the External Subject, then this is incredibly important
and wonderful. It’s like coming into contact with an alien civilization,
an otherworldly mind, which is what science fiction writers, serious
scientists, and, perhaps, all of humanity dream about!
But the author has also encountered various forms of misunderstanding,
unfriendly interpretation of findings, and even aggression on
this path of understanding the world. This includes both scientific and
theological doctrinarianism, statements ranging from “Come on, it’s all
nonsense” to “You are driven by Satan”.
The author does not yet seek to engage in controversy; this is a matter
of later stages. Anyone who reads the book will understand why. For
now, I’ll just ask two questions.
If a physical experiment is carried out according to all the rules of
a scientific experiment, statistics have been accumulated, repeatability,
verifiability and stability of phenomena have been obtained — can this be “nonsense”?
If you claim that it is Satan who is responsible for the registration
of phenomena, then why, given the equivalence and symmetry of the logical
dichotomy, was this choice made? Why don’t you say “it is
God”? Especially considering the role of temples found in the recorded


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